Meet Our Egg Donor Physical Requirements with These Healthy Weight Loss Diet Recipes

Illustration of icons representing weight loss guidelines and activities

Egg donation is a generous act of kindness that involves donating eggs from a healthy woman, often to assist couples struggling with fertility problems or single individuals who wish to become a parent. Stringent criteria regulate this process to ensure the highest possibility of success and protect the donor’s and recipient’s health. One such requirement we have at Family Creations is the donor’s Body Mass Index (BMI), which must be under 28. But why is this so important? This article explains the important role BMI plays in fertility and offers weight loss guidelines for those with a BMI greater than 28. After consulting with your doctor or a registered dietician, our healthy weight loss diet recipes can help you meet the health goals for egg donorship. Have questions about our donation requirements or application? Don’t hesitate to contact us! Our Family Planning advisors are happy to help.

What is BMI, and Why is it Important?

BMI, short for Body Mass Index, is a calculation used to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height. It is determined by dividing a person’s weight by their height. BMI gives a quick snapshot of a person’s overall health. All guidelines for weight loss indicate that a high BMI can indicate high body fat, leading to numerous health risks, including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and more.

BMI and Egg Donation

Most fertility clinics set a BMI limit for donors, usually under 28, as research has shown that women with high BMIs may face challenges during the egg retrieval process and respond less effectively to fertility treatments. This limit is not about body shaming or discrimination but rather ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the egg donation process. Following medically approved guidelines for weight loss respects the donor’s health from start to finish.

How BMI Affects Egg Quality

Studies have shown a direct correlation between high BMI and diminished egg quality. Excessive body weight can negatively impact the cellular structure of eggs, leading to lower-quality eggs that are less likely to result in successful pregnancies. At Family Creations, our egg donation success rate, including donated eggs used in gestational surrogacy, is very high due to careful medical screening of all potential donors.

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Recipes to Reduce BMI

Beginning a weight loss routine can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Let’s keep it simple. Consider the three guidelines of weight loss below your foundation for building a healthier lifestyle.

1. Drink More Water

Adequate water intake curbs cravings, boosts your metabolism, cleanses your body of waste, and helps combat water retention. So, how much water should you be drinking daily?

Here’s a simple formula: Your total body weight divided by 2 = the appropriate daily water intake in ounces. For example, if you weigh 160 lbs, you’ll want to drink at least 80 ounces of water daily.

If you like to indulge in alcohol, coffee, or other caffeinated drinks, then your formula gets a little more complicated: (Oz of diuretics x 1.5) + body weight/2

*No more than 100 oz/day. Consider a beverage like coconut water to replenish electrolytes if you have a very active day and sweat excessively.


*One of the best weight loss guidelines is to start your day with about 32 oz of water. Drinking this amount helps cellular function and gets things moving in your digestive tract. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice for an extra detoxifying boost.

*Drink a tall glass (16 oz) of water about 30 minutes before each meal (see our healthy weight loss diet recipe tips below). This “pre-meal” drink helps to curb cravings and overeating.

*Sip on water throughout the day. Get yourself a nice water bottle you don’t mind carrying around all day, and make sure you know how many ounces it holds to keep track of your intake.

2. Get Moving

Physical exercise provides many different options for everyone. Maybe you like to dance, skate, swim, run, walk, climb, Crossfit, Yoga, Pilates, Barre, or Spin. Whatever you like to do, try to incorporate it into your schedule a few times each week. Maybe it’s an early morning walk, a lunch-hour yoga class, or hitting the gym after work. When you make activity a priority, you’ll see results.


*Another one of the practical guidelines for weight loss is to find an accountability partner, otherwise known as a workout buddy. Having a workout partner makes it more likely that you’ll work out on days you do not feel it.

*Look into at-home workout routines for those days you can’t break away or are on a budget. There are many options for all exercise levels that can be done in the privacy of your home.

3. Start Cooking

Maybe you’re a Julia Child in the kitchen or can’t boil water. No matter your culinary skill level, get cooking. Following healthy weight loss diet recipes are the best way to keep track of every ingredient that goes into your body, allowing you complete control over your diet. Home-prepared meals do not necessarily need to be complicated. Keep it simple with recipes that match your skill level. With practice and experience, you’ll improve!


* “Eat real food, not too much, and mostly plants” – Michael Pollan.
*Look into healthy meal food delivery services that follow scientifically proven guidelines for weight loss. By portioning up all the ingredients and delivering them straight to your door, you can get on with the cooking and reduce the tendency to overeat or the temptation of take-out fast food.

*Social media sites such as Pinterest can be your friend. Use this excellent source to find healthy weight-loss diet recipes you and your family will enjoy.

– Blog contributed by Family Creations Director of Client Services in our Atlanta office, Elysa Romano. Elysa holds a degree in Psychology and is a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

by Julia McConnell | Last updated on : August 22, 2023